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How to request a Docusign e-signature in Collect?

To request an e-signature in Collect, you need to include an e-signature element in your request. There are two ways to do this.

To request an e-signature in Collect, you need to include an e-signature element in your request. There are two ways to do this:

  1. Include an e-signature element in the campaign, so it will be added to each request using this campaign.
  1. Add an e-signature manually in a request.

Include an element in a campaign

To include an e-signature element in a campaign, create a new campaign. When asked what type of element you want to add to your portal, select e-signature.

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Give this element a title and a description, and choose the DocuSign template you want to use.

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If you do not select a template, you will have the option to upload your own document and define auto-place tabs. If you select a template, you can define tabs with values coming from Collect.

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In both cases, you can choose when the DocuSign envelope will be created. It can be created at the same time as the request or manually at a later time.


Adding an e-Signature Manually to a Request

If you have an existing request and you want to add an e-signature to it, it's easy to do so.

To begin, open the menu located on the right of the tabs within your existing request (1).

In this menu, click on "Add an e-Signature" to open a new modal (2).

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Give this element a title and a description, and choose the DocuSign template you want to use. You can also upload your own documents and use auto-place tabs, as described previously.

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