Report abuse
Report Abuse
Collect has been created to help businesses collect documents and information from their clients. If you believe malicious people are trying to divert it to another way, you can report it for abuse.
What are the different kinds of abuse?
1. Nudity
We don't allow users to share, publish, or collect any kind of content with nudity or sexually explicit material. We don't allow pornographic content of any kind and have a zero-tolerance policy towards child exploitation.
2. Promotion of Hate, Violence, or Illegal Activities
We condemn any type of content that promotes violence, hate, or illegal activities. Discrimination based on race, ethnicity, religion, gender, age, disability, or sexual orientation is not allowed on the platform.
3. Spam and Phishing
We don't allow our users to use our solution to spam or try to impact recipients with suspicious content. We also don't allow the use of our solution to engage in phishing.
If you have received emails from us that you consider suspicious, report spam and abuse.
What Do You Do in Case of Abuse?
All suspicious accounts will be immediately terminated and we will report the owner to law enforcement.
Updated on: 26/11/2024
Thank you!